Above is a picture of my veggie garden, it has been a month since I planted it and they are finally starting to take off (this is how it began). I have a ton of blossoms on my tomatoes, the yellow and green squash are looking verrry good (they are just in flower right now), the 6 different varieties of pepper plants are all set and my beans just may be ok but I had only one cucumber plant that survived the cucumber beetles, then as I was weeding the other night.........I stepped on it! Whaaa - how sad, it's gone, no cukes for me! My cantaloupe and watermelon are sort of straggling behind but may be ok. The bad thing about having my garden here is the only water source is a well and I've got to lug buckets from there to my plot. I've given up trying to keep the grass from growing between the rows!
So - I am still in second place in this contest, I'd love your vote for my PopTart if you haven't already (psst...vote from your computer AND phone if it is internet capable and recruit your friends too!) It would be wonderful to win a free online shop for life, I'd be so very grateful for your vote!
Lastly, this song choice is called "Shame" because that's how I feel after tossing 1/3 of a chocolate cake and 10 cupcakes leftover from a get together I had Saturday into the ...*gasp* trash :(
Shame, boatloads of shame.....at the Shores
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Gorgeous book!!
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