I have been having a great week in sales at my Etsy shop, yesterday a woman bought 6, a couple months ago she had gotten 3, I'm curious as to what she's doing with them. Gifts? Personal use? If it is personal use she's a heavy duty journaler! To the left are the goodies going out to her today - I am including beaded book thongs (book marks) with all orders.
I was going to take a break from binding but now my shop is in need of new books, I'll see what it looks like once I list the ones left over from the show. I'll be having a house full for our annual family bash first week in July so some things have to get done around the house.
My husbands daughter's inlaws live right around the corner from us here and mentioned that they would till up a garden for me on their property if I was interested... well, you bet I was interested, our property is much too shaded for a proper garden and I until now have always had to plant in pots. I went right to the nursery and picked up a bunch of vegetable and fruit plants and set to putting them into the ground on Monday - 49 to be exact...can I tell you - I was one filthy, sore puppy after that to be sure!! Many may think it's too late for this but we've had the rainiest spring and lots of people have had a lot of rotting and washing away, most of the things I planted should be ready by Aug/Sept so I should be okay. I think I'll have to fence it in to keep the critters out though.
Wishing you all a Peace of Mind.....Take off your shoes and let your thoughts be kind
There ain't no dues and you can leave your blues behind....at the Shores
There ain't no dues and you can leave your blues behind....at the Shores
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