I've also started making books and resisting the urge to list them in the shop. I hope like heck I can get enough done. If I can only curb my wandering off in the middle of my binding I'd be fine. Another focus issue I suppose. Or maybe it's my lack of discipline...meh...doesn't matter either way, it is certainly becoming a handicap whatever you call it.
The reason for the title of this post is last year I found some ducklings in one of my hanging flower baskets on the gazebo, you can see the post here, I never noticed it had become a nest until I pulled the basket down and saw the babies. Well, mama is back, different basket but pretty much the same place - she lets me get super close to her, all she does is stares at me and holds stone still - looks like the flowers will have to wait until the lil buggers are old enough to hit the water. Funny, right?
Hey, if any of you are on facebook won't you "like" my shop page? If you have one, I'll be happy to return the favor : )
Because my temporary guest appears to have stage fright!
She's caught in the spotlight.........at the Shores
She's caught in the spotlight.........at the Shores
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