Now I have to get in the beds that have been overgrown with low spreading evergreen and periwinkle....baby steps. I was in Georgia & South Carolina in April and the azaleas were in their full colorful glory and here it is mid-May and mine have just burst into bloom, I got to enjoy them twice this spring - the rhododendrons are next, I have them in several colors...they're such showoffs.
Next have the bed I planted with my perennials that I swiped from the old house up around the way to clean up, it seems they all made it through their first year in their new home unlike my hydrangeas who only one out of the 5 plants I brought over made it through the winter, this is sad because they were all cuttings from a plant I had given my mother in GA. for mother's day many years ago - guess I need to start over.
So of course I don't post without a new book right? Well, here is one that turned out pretty neat, a dear friend gave me the idea for the title: "Studio 54"...anyone remember the days of Stevie Rubell, Warhol, The Factory & friends, disco and the like? I was only 12 and living in Germany but have read tons of books about those wild days.
Time for a shower, I'm filthy and can't smell to awfully good either!
I wanna put on my, my, my, my, my boogie shoes......at the Shores
2 Click here . I love comments!:
Wow! Your blog and photography are VERY, VERY INSPIRING!
So glad I found you through the “All Kinds of Artists” Artist blog hop!
I am your newest blog follower. :)
Looking forward to seeing your upcoming posts!
I welcome you to check out my art blog, too!
Mary C. Nasser
Thanks so much for the kind words and for stopping by, Mary. I'm afraid I am a much better book binder than photographer!
I am following your blog - truly lovely. Will be in touch! ~ Andrea
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