I am on my way to my goal of 12 new books for my Etsy shop and I aim to have them done by months end. I did all 3 in different binding techniques: The earthy batik is buttonhole bound, the blue/purple is ribbon bound and the type writer fabric is Belgian bound:
I have a bunch of new fabrics that I am itching to get onto book covers:
The themes are all over the board but I suppose that matches what goes on inside my head at any given moment anyway!
I've had quite the start of the new year, New Years day we had a bit of an accident here - I'll just say it involved my husband, a head split open in two places, an ambulance and 2 EMT's, I've just gotten over the horror of that whole scene.
Last weekend we were in upstate New York for a few days - WAY upstate (60 miles south of Montreal, Canada) what beautiful country it is up there to be sure. I added up the time I've been in the passenger seat of the SUV since Thanksgiving and it totals 78 hours. I sure hope that's it for awhile!
From the passenger seat as you are driving me home....to the Shores
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