I was just downstairs having a look at my cacti in the garden window...I love these guys, I marvel at them every day. They grow pretty fast too! My mother gave me my first ones as a housewarming gift, some are even from of her own collection. Every time I am at a store that carries them I just have to have a look, they come in so many shapes, sizes and colors.
There are fuzzy ones that have lil babies like mad!
I suppose this post is really all about procrastination if I'm honest with myself, I really came upstairs to see if I can find something nice to wear to a wedding Saturday that doesn't have paint all over it. Ever since I quit working "out there" I paint in whatever I wanna paint in - I guess my good clothes really haven't even been taken out of the closet in ages so I'm very sure they're good to go. Time to go sit and pout on the closet floor and look up wondering which will be my choice. I guess it could be worse, I could be out shopping for a bathing suit *shudder*.There are fuzzy ones that have lil babies like mad!
Will she find the right thing straight away or end up with mounds of clothes on the closet floor?....................................at the Shores
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Perfect song for the perfect post. I love cacti (cacti?) too. You definitely have a nice variety in those pics.
Have fun at the wedding - I know you'll be stunning!!!
LOL - yah, cacti (I even looked it up before using the word!) I have a second shelf above those that has regular housplants on it that I'll replace with more of my beloved succulants once I get more!
I'm off to Kokomo, IN. Have a great weekend, Susan!~:D
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