Seems mother nature skipped spring for us up here and headed straight for summer, but that's ok by me - at least it's here! We rarely turn the AC on since we get such a nice breeze coming off the lake we just open all the windows in the house. My studio however is on the other side of the house and breezes are not as plentiful but I love it anyway...something about being hot and sweaty while creating is just a good thing!
Last night was so gorgeous I packed up some of my things and took them out to the gazebo to work on, it is a wedding guestbook/album as a gift for a wedding in October, her colors are yellow and olive green so I used one of my favorite fabrics (it came in 2.5" strips). I have a pretty clasp coming in the mail to hook to the leather pieces to shut it but just tied it for these pictures in the meantime:
This song has no relevance to this post, it's just what I'm listening to at the moment and I dig the video!
Life is the Shores