So, I learned a little something today. Did you know there was such a thing as an imperfect flower? ugh, maybe this is common knowledge and I'm just a dufus Imperfect flowers are flowers that only have one set of reproductive organs, so they are either male or female. While perfect flowers can reproduce entirely within one bloom, imperfect flowers need two separate flowers in order to pollinate themselves and create seeds. Imperfect flowers may be pollinated by animals, insects, weather or humans, but they will always need some sort of outside facilitation in order to reproduce. I suppose I knew there were these types of flowers that need bees, wind and the like but never knew they had such a name. What a sad label they carry, worse yet it was given to them by imperfect people to boot! Now, there you have it kids, your science lesson for the day or maybe proof I'm just a dufus.
Which brings me to my little imperfect ATC:
Perfect Imperfection - A Squash Blossom
Still working on painting flowers, I love them and grow them but rarely actually paint them, can't say why - just don't.
I'm off to dream of more science lessons for yas out the Shores
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