LOL - not exactly, but sorta! I've decided after hopping on the scale for the first time in more that several years (I'm the one who goes to the doctor, gets on the scale backwards and requests that they do NOT say my weight out loud because I don't wanna hear it!*$%) anyway, I got on and freaked then calculated my BMI and that nearly did me in so I decided action must be taken. I found a website that is a TransAmerican walk from Yorktown, VA to Florence, OR. Yesterday I walked 2 miles and rode my bike for 5 then today I had a brutally hilly 10 mile bike ride which my legs decided "that's it - we AIN'T walkin' too!". The website is pretty neat, it tracks your trip on the map and even gives you a trail photo of where you are:

By the way, the website is here if you care to join in my folly
Dealing with rubbery the Shores
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I'm so enjoying your trek, Andrea & wish I had the time & energy to go with you! :)
Have I told you how much you've inspired me? Not just with your incredible artwork, but with your heart. XXXOOO
I am going to have to check out that website... it looks really interesting and I am working on getting into shape. :)
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