I was in an ATC swap ...they were to be monochromatic so after looking at my partners profile I see blue is her thing and since Europe is mine I thought I'd mix them for this:
Blue Moon Over Venice

Do you think I should send sunglasses for viewing of the second one? For some odd reason this was the second ATC this weekend I did in shades of magenta - not exactly a color I run to for comfort normally but seemed to be the color of the day for me - I scanned it crooked so it is totally wonkey but just tip your head a little to the right and it'll be just fine!
The weather has been outstanding here, it was nearly 70 degrees and anyone who knows the weather in northeast Ohio this is something to marvel at in November, it sure won't be long until the first snow flies and it will be downhill from there for several months as we are perched in the middle of what is called the "snow belt", Lake Erie can be thanked for much of it I suppose.
I am outta here for now, you can find me................................at the shores
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Those ATC's are gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!
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