A Quest For Focus


** My Paradise

Called Home **

Conquering Projects...One At A Time

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I feel overwhelmed at times, there is so much to do just outside of my bookbinding that I sometimes don't know where to start so instead of starting I just make more books and pretend the other things don't exist. That might be what some call the ostrich syndrome? (I just made that up) Anyway, I've pulled my head up out of the sand and dusted off my sewing machine for project number one: A camera bag for my dear photographer friend - it was supposed to be a Christmas gift but.......well, I just explained my affliction in the previous sentences. It's done and I must say I am quite pleased with myself! It has a 1/2" padding on the sides and bottom, 2 small pockets inside, two on the outside back and an adjustable velcro-ed divider inside. I found the tutorial online at the blog Creating Happiness  I was super happy to have my iPad right next to the sewing machine for directions, made it easy to refer to and follow along. If you are thinking about making one let me help gathering of materials a little easier as I spent too much time looking for some of the stuff.
1. Padding - while you can get 1/2" foam at a fabric store it is rather expensive so I got a 1/2" sleeping mat which can be found in probably any store that has a camping supply department.
2. ALL the hardware - Strapworks has it all, you can get many different colors and sizes there and their turn around is pretty quick too. Also, if you wanted nylon webbing for the strap they have that too.
3. I purchased both my canvas (main color) and batik at a local fabric store - if you sew I'm sure you too have a favorite that carries the perfect fabric for you.
So, now that I've saved you the searching and running around hop to it!

Here is what I/we have done on project #2 - my track lighting for my workroom: 

This house was built in 1969 and absolutely not a room in the house has overhead lighting which has been a sticking point when it comes to my studio, working by lamps etc. is just not right, horrible as a matter of fact. I think the reason it had been put off for so long is knowing that a trip in to the attic crawl space is inevitable and neither my husband or me relished the belly crawl that was going to have to take place. Well, it's done. Now we have to figure out how and where to get a light switch installed.

Project #3 - the sink (the one I previously wrote about below) Still not re-installed but hopefully my husband will get that one finished TODAY. I am going mad with it all torn apart.

Project #4 - The fireplace surround mosaic. This one will wait until I have at least 50 books in my shops for sale, I'm shooting for mid-Feb. hopefully sooner but I decided to leave my delusions behind on this one and agree in my head to be more realistic.

I really like this video and it's animation (and song of course!)

I believe in the power................at the Shores

January in 120 Seconds!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hello, it's been awhile. After being out of work for exactly 2 years and one week I am now convinced I was less busy while working out there for the man! Lots of projects going on. I am installing new track lighting in my workroom (YAY for overhead lighting!!) Preparing the fireplace surround for a mosaic and of course books for my shops....oh, and cannot forget the project that was forced upon me: I was at the kitchen sink washing out a pot when all of the sudden the entire double sink fell to the bottom of the cabinet below! HA! It doesn't look as if there was too much damage to the plumbing miraculously enough. What a sad, sad state it all is in though, the guys that installed the granite countertops did not even use sink clips - just blobs of epoxy - it all came loose, this will be a blast to fix : /
So, instead of bombarding this post with pictures of my newest book creations I have a 120 second video of my January work:

The Hepburn one near the end is one of my stenciled books and the last photo is not a book...just a manipulated photo of me.

Time to run, I have to go see a patient. That sweet bird has been at "the end" and I've been called to the house so many times to say good-bye but she just keeps hanging on....sad really, she seems to be in quite a bit of pain, not very sure what she's holding on for. I love her dearly but it just breaks my heart to see her suffer.
Some Van Morrison just because I love him :o)
Get me on your wavelength....................at the Shores

Happy New Year

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Feliz Ano Novo !!!Happy New Year !!! Bonne Année !!! Feliz Año Nuevo !!! Šťastný Nový Rok !!! سنة جديدة سعيدة !!! С Новым годом !!! Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku !!! 새해 복 많이 받으세요 !!! Buon anno !!! 明けましておめでとうございます!!! Šťastný Nový Rok !!! Gelukkig Nieuwjaar !!! Onnellista uutta vuotta !!! Glückliches neues Jahr !!! Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος !!! नया साल मुबारक हो !!! 新年快乐 !!! Godt Nytår !!! Yeni Yılınız Kutlu Olsun !!! Gott Nytt År !!

Wishing all my friends and family the very best in 2012. I feel big things coming for to new year (hopefully it's not my waistline I'm feeling).......................at the Shores


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