A Quest For Focus


** My Paradise

Called Home **

Handmade is Where It's AT!

Monday, November 14, 2011

We got snow last Friday to commemorate 11-11-11. It was only about 2 inches and has long since melted - mother nature teasing us I suppose! Now it rains.
Still heavy at work in trying to get inventory into my shops in time for the holidays, here are some new ones:
Echoing Eyes, a gorgeous peacock feather print - lined and unlined pages (click to view listing)

Bright Lights, Big City - also lined and unlined pages (click to view listing)

Maiden's Hair Gift a larger art journal (click to view listing)
I link to my Etsy shop only because the photos there are a bit larger but always prefer selling out of my shop on Handmade Artists' Forum. I love everything they stand for. My hope is that one day it will be more popular to shop at than Etsy...it's a shame the direction they've taken on that site. If you're a seller there you might know what I'm talking about.

Speaking of Handmade Artists' Forum, they have just unveiled a new feature to vendors - a bit of a window shop to add on your site.Cool, eh? I like it!

My choice today is Bright Lights by Matchbox Twenty - get the connection? ;o)
You'll find something that's enough to keep you.........at the Shores

A Laugh at Time

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Is it just me or do you just get up an hour earlier when the time changes to fall back? Here I am, awake at 4:30am today...not that I am normally up at 5:30 but I went to bed earlier too - I feel as though this will be one long day!

So, I previously posted that my mom has a new online shop on Etsy, it took her 6 days for her first sale, I'm super happy for her - it took me 2.5 weeks to make one and then the first two were to out of state friends of mine! I hope she does well, especially since I was the one prodding her in to this venture!

I have a couple new books. Surprised? I doubt it. The first photo is of a matching set, one 8" x 10" and a small 4" x 8". I've used this fabric before on a custom order so this will be the last in using it. I think they'd make a great gift - we'll see.

Gothic Harmony (click to view listing)

Field Sparks (click to view listing)
Seems as though my husband and I will be joining the gym. I think he has reached his "I've had enough of this" when last weekend he asked me to pick a dress shirt out of his closet for him, I then saw as we were leaving that he didn't have it on, I asked why, he said it was BBB - "well, what the heck is BBB" I asked , he said it meant "before big belly". I love that he's ready to join me in some exercise, we'll just join for a few months and see if he sticks to it!

I have slacked on posting links to my friends on the On Fire for Handmade team so if all goes right I'll post a one or two every day until I catch up. These two are also teammates from the Handmade Artists' Forum:

This week's Featured Artisan is Sarah - Finding Charm! Sarah has
beautiful creations in a wide variety of styles and colors! You can
find Finding Charm on:

This week's Featured Artisan is Sandi Levy - I Knit Quilt Sew!
Sandy has delightful creations in here shop. Something for everyone!
You can find I Knit Quilt Sew on:

Remember this song? The video of Jim Croce and his son gets me a little misty-eyed. Not sure how long before his death this was filmed...pretty song.

If I could save time in a bottle...................at the Shores

Eyes, Books, Bags and Superheros

Thursday, November 03, 2011

What a nice start to November! I not only feel tip top but I had my follow-up appointment for more glaucoma testing on my eyes. After re-testing my eye pressure and some peripheral vision tests it looks as though there is no need to begin treatment on my eyes yet, I go back in a year to do it all over again. What a wonderful feeling!

I, as I do every year, did Halloween costumes for two of my grandkids, and as always it was a blast!
Wolverine & The Incredible Hulk
Of course I have a couple new books made:
Land of Whispers (SOLD)
Wings of Scarlet (click to view listing)

Frozen Time (click to view listing)
I've also spent the past two days setting up my mother's shop "Knit So Ordinary, Handmade Bags" - she makes very cool market/tote bags (I don't say this just because she's my mom either). I have one that I love, they stretch to hold a lot! She does custom orders too if you have a favorite color or maybe the colors of your Alma Mater (is that supposed to be capitalized?). Have a visit : )
Love this song & lyrics...there are versions of it that can go over 20 minutes but I'll keep it short here! Pretty photos too

Sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own.......at the Shores


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