Here's wishing you all a very healthy, happy, loved filled 2011!
I am not big on resolutions, probably because I normally fall off the resolution wagon pretty early in the year, so what's the point?? BUT, I will work on posting more often again...things just got so crazy toward the end of the year. I sold about 30 books, both locally and on Etsy which I am super grateful for and hopefully I can keep the momentum going in that department.My Christmas was just fabulous, we first drove 6 hours to Indiana, served Christmas dinner to families in need, hung out with the grandkids for a day and hit the 12 hour trail to Georgia *whew*. It's always a zoo at moms there are soooo many people, thankfully mom and I had a couple of peaceful days to just lounge about! To top off the festivities I got to hang out with my sweet friend, Susan:
This was a Christmas gift I made for her, my first real attempt at jewelry making:
I also got to meet up with an old friend I hadn't seen in 18+ years - so hard to catch up just over lunch, but we did our very best!
Oh the times we had, it's truly a wonder we survived. Wild, wild days and nights...
I've been doodling a piece that I'll post tomorrow.
That's it for now - I hope everyone had an amazing holiday. Happy New Year, friends :)
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary fit, sin auld lang the Shores