Ok, so I'm about a week late, but would anyone expect less from this sprodaic blogger?? The hubs and I did very little on New Years Eve (or the rest of the weekend for that matter), which was our anniversary to boot - we married in Las Vegas on New Years Eve in Las Vegas, which was nothing short of a comedy anyway. We were going to meet both of my soon to be husbands kids a day or two after the new year and thought it would be a great time to get married. Well it got to be about 9pm in the casino and Tom (the hubs) said why don't we just do it now? You know, the tax deduction would be great......sooooooo off to the Hitchin' Post (yes, really) we went, at 9:45pm we were married and in doing so I was his little deduction for the entire year in spite of being married for only 2 hours and 15 minutes :o}
I couldn't really complain about doing nothing since Tom drove Miss Daisy (me) to Georgia and back TWICE in a month aaaaaaaaaaand got me the most amazing coat and snow boots for Christmas - he rocks!
So on my artsy fartsy end of life, I've finished my second set of Artist Trading Cards for the second in the Opera series - it was Mozart this time:
Both were taken from Polish opera posters, done by the same artist - Don Giovanni has been received by my swap partner and I think he really liked it the second, Marriage of Figaro had a long way to go, it went to South Korea...hope she likes it as well!
Then I had another swap where the image was to be veiled in some way - my partner likes signs of peace, such as the symbol, doves etc and the ocean so here are my ATC's to her:
The image above left is when it is "veiled" and the right is when it the vellum was opened. The dove was done on clear overlay, I outlined the design with black acrylic paint then used alcohol inks to fill in the color, turned out with a nice stained glass look.
I didn't draw the picture on top, it was from and old book but the bottom is what you see when you open it and that was done with acrylics...no surprise there since acrylics are sort of my left hand (yep I'm left-handed)
Ok, enough for one night - I have a patient to visit in the morning and need to work on another swap......creatin'........at the Shores